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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I" - Page 13

If you look hard enough, you can find a positive in any situation
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If you look at life as an adventure, then it will be
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If you look at life as a bonus then , every day is filled with joy
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If you look as if you own the world, people treat you like you do
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If you live in the river, make friends with the crocodile
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If you like yourself, then you will like other people, too
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If you lie so you do not hurt someone, it is still a lie
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If you learn something for the third time, it would be wise to remember it
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If you know you're going to lose, do it with style
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If you know where you are and what you have to do, then it is easier to figure out how to do it
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If you know how to live well, a lifetime is enough
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If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your foot
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If you keep your clothes long enough, they become fashionable again
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If you hurry all the time, you hurry past all the good things in life
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If you haven't used it in a year or more, get rid of it
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If you have to do an errand, make it two so it's worth going out
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If you have one true friend, you have more than your share
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If you have nothing to do, at least do it with other people
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If you have done it right, being an adult is more fun than being a child
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If you have a loving family, it is amazing what you can do without
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