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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I" - Page 10

In a good marriage, both people usually keep their mouths shut half of the time they want to speak
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In a friendship, because you share, the good times are double and the bad times are cut in half
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In a fight between you and the world, bet on the world.
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Improve your performance by improving your attitude
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Imitate the successes of the wise and not the mistakes of the fools
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Imagine what you would attempt to do if you knew you couldn't fail then do it '
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Imagination is more important than knowledge (Albert Einstein)
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Imagination is for rehearsing dreams and reliving joys
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If your sole goal is to impress people, then you can never achieve true happiness
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If your mind becomes thirsty, then drink wisdom and knowledge
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If you,: put nothing in your head, you will get nothing from it
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If you would not write it and sign it, do not say it
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If you worry about having enough, you never will have enough
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If you work eight hours a day and sleep eight hours a day, that gives you eight hours to do whatever you want
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If you wish for a thing and do not get it, try working for it
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If you want to see how little you actually know, then read a dictionary
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If you want to make a parent proud compliment his child '
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If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more
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If you want to learn about the future, watch a child play
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If you want to know about a child, observe how he plays
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