Random Wise Words, Wise Sayings
Learn to recognize the inconsequential, then ignore it
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Idleness is never enjoyable unless there is plenty to do
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No person experiences an emotion that has not already been felt by someone else
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Children never really lose an argument with their parents
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Tools and engines are only extensions of man's limbs and senses
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A good neighbor smiles at you over the fence but does not climb it
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The most important words we say are those to ourselves about ourselves
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A true smile occurs when the mouth and heart are coordinated
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The little things in life determine the big things
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By endurance you gain rewards and comfort for your pains
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Sometimes life feels like a terrible struggle, but only sometimes
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There was never a good war or a bad peace (Benjamin Franklin)
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Praise in others what you would like to have praised in you
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It takes a wise person to recognize another wise person
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You don't notice little changes in people you see every day
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What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity
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Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win
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Many things take practice before you get the hang of them
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Some people think about the same thought a thousand times while others think a thousand different thoughts
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The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts
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