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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "B"

Be master of the mind rather than be mastered by mind
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Balance requires you to manage in the short term as well as the long term
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Build castles in the air, then put foundations under them
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Being able to forget is as important as being able to remember
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Beam with pride when your children accomplish something
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Busy people do not have the time or energy to worry about the triviality of other people
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Be the person you thought you would be when you were young
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Be content with little and your mind will be satisfied
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Be aware of others' motives It is amazing how much good you can do if you do not care who gets the credit
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Believe in others and they'll believe in themselves
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Bear an injury in silence rather than provoke a thousand by flying into a rage
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Being totally alone, at times, can be very healthy
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Be happy when conscience hurts you; be worried when it doesn't
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Breaking bad habits is the hardest thing to learn how to do
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Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact
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Beware of making final, irrevocable decisions in a hurry
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Be sympathetic to other people's ideas and desires
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Be careful not to jump from the frying pan into the fire
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Be genuinely interested in the lives of your friends
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Be willing to commit yourself to a course, perhaps a long and hard one
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