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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "B" - Page 6

By having fewer wants, you come closer to knowing yourself
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By exploring your underlying beliefs, you gain a better picture of your life's goals
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By endurance you gain rewards and comfort for your pains
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By asking questions you encourage other people to open up and let you in on their excitement about life
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Buy only properly fitting shoes Music is a great bridge
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Busy people do not have the time or energy to worry about the triviality of other people
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Bury "can't" and you'll find "will"
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Build castles in the air, then put foundations under them
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Build castles in the air, but put foundations under them
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Bring the beginning, middle, and end into agreement
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Breaking bad habits is the hardest thing to learn how to do
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Both of your feet must be on the ground before you can jump in the air
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Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape
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Big things of the world can only be achieved by attending to small details
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Big lies are usually more believable than small ones
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Beware of making final, irrevocable decisions in a hurry
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Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt (Abraham Lincoln)
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Better to make a mistake than to do nothing for fear of making a mistake
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Better to limp along the right road than to speed on the wrong one
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Better to have an end to misery than misery without end
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