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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "Y"

Your home should not feel like a birdcage and you like a bird
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You usually do not know that you are in a bad mood until someone brings it to your attention
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You cannot build character and courage by taking away another's initiative and independence
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You can't steal second if you don't take your foot off first
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Your mirror will tell you what none of your friends will
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You can never arrive at your final destination without taking a first step
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Yesterday will never come again, but you have today
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You cannot improve the past, but you can improve the future
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You cannot lay remorse upon the innocent nor lift it from the heart of the guilty
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You cannot guarantee that something will not happen to you
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You cannot find happiness unless you search for it
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You cannot experience happiness unless you can forgive yourself
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You cannot change the past, but you can change the future
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You cannot build character and courage by taking away another's initiative and independence
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You can't have everything; where would you put it?
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You can't achieve true happiness if your goal is to show off
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You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine
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You can't have everything you want or think you want
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You can't try to do things, you simply must do things
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You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old
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