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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "J"

Just be yourself
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Junk is anything that has outlived its usefulness
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Jump into the unknown to avoid complacency
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Jump for joy
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Judge not, lest ye be judged
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Judge and you shall be judged
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Judge a person by his deeds, not by his words
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Joy shared is doubled
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Joy is the best wine
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Joy is the ability to be happy in small ways
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Joy is an achievement; you earn it
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Jot down what you are grateful for
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Jokes can make more enemies than gossip
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Jealousy leads to folly and injustice
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Jealousy cannot live in love
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Jealousy and anger shorten life
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Just looking at nature from a mountaintop is the best prize
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Just because you are not as good as others does not mean you should give up
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Just because two people argue, it does not mean they do not love each other
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