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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "Y" - Page 14

You can have anything you want but you can't have everything you want
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You can have a lot of friends and still feel lonely
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You can fill a house with the things you bought but do not use or need
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You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
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You can bring a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink
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You can be much more influential if people are not aware of your influence
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You can accomplish a lot after a good night's sleep
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You begin to understand parental love when you become a parent
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You become addicted to adversity before you become bored with it
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You are rich according to what you are, not what you have
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You are part of a big world and an even bigger universe
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You are meant to be very different from everyone else
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You are made up from a combination of your genes and your environment
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You are judged not by what you have but by what you do with what you have
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You are in love when you do not have to ask anyone else if you are
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You are in control of how you respond to the behavior of others
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You are born a genius or not; what you do with that genius is a sign of character and talent
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You and your work will suffer if you are not happy with your job
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You always find time to do the things you really want to do
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Yesterday will never come again, but you have today
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