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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I" - Page 5

It is easier to talk about other people than about politics
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It is easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble
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It is easier to say "no" first and change it to "yes" than it is to say "yes" first and change it to "no"
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It is easier to recognize when you are sick than when you are healthy
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It is easier to make friends than it is to keep them
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It is easier to live without hate than it is to live without love
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It is easier to learn something right the first time than to have to relearn it
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It is easier to give advice to other people than to yourself
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It is easier to give advice about something once you have been through it yourself
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It is easier to fight with a family member than a friend, but it is also easier to make up with a family member than a friend
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It is easier to feel failure than it is to feel success
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It is easier to criticize others than it is to criticize ourselves
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It is easier to catch up on work than it is on fun
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It is easier to behave your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of behaving
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It is easier to be wealthy and powerful than it is to be beautiful
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It is easier to be happy when you are healthy than when you are sick
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It is easier to argue something knowing that you are right
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It is easier to admire someone you do not know well than someone you know well
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It is difficult to define love, but easy to recognize it
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It is difficult to be happy when things are not going right, but not impossible
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