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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "I" - Page 17

If things look hopeless, look to see if you are not facing the wrong direction
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If things do not feel right, take time to think and seek improvements
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If there were no problems, there would be no opportunities
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If there is no laughter in a day, then the day is wasted
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If the wilderness is not protected, it will not be able to protect you
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If the conversation around you is decaying, lead it to more constructive subjects
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If someone throws you a ball you don't have to catch it '
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If only one knows it, it is secret; if two know it, it is public
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If nothing went wrong, life would be pretty boring
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If nothing else in life gives you pleasure, at least have good dreams
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If nature is a giant canvas, then life is the artwork on it
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If love interferes with your business quit your business '
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If little ears should not hear it, then big mouths should not say it
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If it was easy to be successful, then everyone would be
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If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is
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If it sounds good to the ears, then it is good music
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If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it is a duck
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If it is going to come out eventually, better have it come out immediately
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If it is a big party, you can consider buying a new outfit
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If heaven is your goal, then no ascent is too steep to accomplish
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