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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "W" - Page 11

When you pursue something, do so with grace, finesse, and flexibility
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When you plant a flower garden, you show people that you care about more than just yourself
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When you open a door, you do not know how many rooms lie beyond
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When you most feel like moping, do something-anything
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When you love someone, you need to love both the good and bad
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When you listen to people, know how to distinguish between the smart ones and the fools
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When you help someone because you love him, you are helping yourself
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When you have reached the mountaintop, then you begin to climb
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When you have power, you spend most of your time trying to protect it
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When you go to bed with a clear head, you will never rise with a headache
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When you get together with friends, do more than just get together
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When you get on first, make your goal going to second
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When you get older, you realize your parents did the best job that they could under the circumstances
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When you get older, all times are the good old times
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When you get angry, make sure it is for the right reasons
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When you finish with a job, make the break completely
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When you fight with a brother or sister, you are hurting yourself, because he or she is a part of you
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When you feel love, you are more connected to the universe
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When you do not know where you are going, any road will get you there
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When you discover you are on the wrong path, turn back
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