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A small garden is just as beautiful as a large one
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A sense of humor reduces people and problems to their proper proportion
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A room without books is like a body without a soul (Cicero)
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A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth
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A rainy day makes a sunny day all that much more enjoyable
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A quiet child is plotting mischief, or has done it
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A question you should often ask yourself is, is it right?
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A quality life is more valuable than a quantity life
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A promise is only as valid as the person who is making it
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A problem adequately stated is a problem well on its way to being solved
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A place for everything and everything in its place
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A pet has just as much fun being played with as you have playing with it
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A person's worth is no greater than the worth of her ambitions
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A person's value is that which he sets upon himself
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A person's value depends on his ability to stick to a thing till he gets there
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A person's true character comes out in an argument
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A person's real worth is determined by what he does when he has nothing to do
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A person's pride and fortune usually rise and fall together
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A person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated
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A person who recognizes that he made a mistake gains intelligence
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