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Newest Wise Words, Wise Sayings

Accept life's limits and inevitabilities and work with them rather than fight them
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Absurdity appears to be more the rule than the exception
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Absence may make the heart grow fonder, but presence makes the heart stronger
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Absence is like the wind for lovers apart-it can either blowout a fire or fan the flame
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Ability helps you get to the top, but character keeps you from falling
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A work of art can be perfect but filled with imperfections
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A wise person knows when a shortcut is actually a shortcut
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A wise person knows that she cannot know everything
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A wallet is empty until it is filled with pictures
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A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on
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A true smile occurs when the mouth and heart are coordinated
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A true genius says and thinks things for the first time
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A true friend never gets in your way unless you are going down
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A true friend is with you in the bad times as well as the good ones
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A tremendous price is paid when there is hatred in the heart
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A teenager is learning all the lessons you already know, for the first time
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A teacher's job is to make his/her students smarter than he/she
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A successful relationship needs both people believing in each other
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A successful boss takes the blame when things go bad and shares the credit when things go well
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A sound mind and strong body come in handy in this world
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