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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "G" - Page 5

Greatness is only achieved with the help of passion
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Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people
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Great love and great achievements involve great risk
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Great leaders earn their credentials during difficult times
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Great empires have been brought down by a moment's stupidity
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Great art is difficult to explain, but easy to see
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Grasp a little and you may secure it; grasp too much and you will lose everything
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Grandparents treat their grandchildren differently from the way they treated their children
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Gardening can be more than a hobby; it can be a passion
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Good times are better when remembered with friends
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Good things can remain in our hearts long after they have ended
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Good management works as well in a place of business as at home
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Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment
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Good health requires that you have your body, mind, and soul balanced
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Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings
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Good fortune is usually the result of wisdom and hard work, not luck
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Good conversation consists of talking about everything and nothing at all
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Good company can meet anywhere and it will be good company
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Good actions give you strength and inspire good actions in others
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Going the extra mile puts you miles ahead of the competition
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