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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "E"

Enjoy that two people can have entirely different opinions while looking at the same thing
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Everybody could be wrong about what is right for you
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Everyone goes through trials in life to get where they are
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Every good deed you do genuinely comes back to you in abundance
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Every man should be the intellectual proprietor of himself
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Everyone is ignorant of some things; but try not to be ignorant of yourself
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Every journey has its share of setbacks and failures
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Exchanging compliments is intellectual back-scratching
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Enjoy your children even when they do not act the way you want them to
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Every compromise is surrender and invites new demands
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Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects (Will Rogers)
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Each person has a different capacity for knowledge
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Encourage others to talk about themselves
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Even people you do not know have an effect on your life
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Every living thing has something to share, watch, and learn
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Every child born possesses the ability to change the world
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Economy is the prime requisite of a sound financial plan
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Every day we are offered twice as many opportunities as misfortunes
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Even if you win an argument with a child, you really did not win
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Every time you forgive someone, you strengthen yourself
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