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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "D"

Don't spend time wishing for things you don't have
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Don't take good friends, good health, or a good marriage for granted
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Do things only for people who want things done for them
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Don't blame others; take responsibility for your life
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Don't lose the peace of years by seeking the rapture of moments
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Do not humiliate or ridicule a person in order to persuade him to change
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Desire and aversion, though powerful, are just habits
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Don't tell people what you're going to do, let them wonder about it
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Discouragement promotes inaction and inaction guarantees failure
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Death is the only thing that can come between true friends
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Decide what is important in life and disregard the rest
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Don't deny anyone the opportunity to do something nice for you
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Do not let other people's judgment influence your judgment of other people
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Don't argue with people whose opinions you don't respect
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Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have your way
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Don't be swept off your feet by the vividness of the impression
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Do not hinder important business for the discussion of a trifle
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Don't make the sauce till you have caught the fish
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Don't give voice to any and every passing feeling or thought
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Do your own useful work without regard to the honor or admiration your efforts might win from others
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