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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "L"

Let your thoughts be noisy, colorful and lively "
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Living life on life's terms combines moments of happiness with moments of sadness
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Let your nose go in front, but do not always follow it
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Listening to someone is sometimes all the help he needs
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Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage
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Live life so that your descendants will think you did good
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Let your children do things their way if no great harm will result
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Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers
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Let go of the idea that gentle, relaxed people can't be super achievers
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Love can make you do things you would normally never do
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Let fear help in the decision-making process, not hurt
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Look within yourself and to your family for entertainment
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Laughing at your own jokes makes them funny to at least one person
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Look beyond your own interests and be concerned about the feelings of others
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Life is too short to nurse animosities or register wrongs
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Love is the world that frees us of all the weight and pain of life
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Love makes writers write and painters paint and musicians make music
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Love begins in the eyes, then quickly goes to the heart, and only sometimes ends up in the brain
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Let go of the idea that gentle, relaxed people can't be super achievers
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Life is not a cup to be drained, but a measure to be filled
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