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Wise Words, Wise Sayings Start With Letter: "C"

Cut out the-details that fritter away what is most valuable in life
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Combat things within your power that are not good for you
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Challenge yourself on your own ideas, and if they still appear to be good ideas, then they probably are
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Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal a person's character
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Choose your mate as you choose your shoes-for comfort and long wear
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Choose where you want to live and then look for work; not the other way around
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Choose the way that seems the best, however rough it may be
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Choose doctors who treat both the patient and the disease
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Choose a business partner who is strong where you are weak
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Children should do their share of household chores
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Children never really lose an argument with their parents
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Children are the most vulnerable population of society
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Children and grandparents have a common enemy-the parents
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Children act in the village as they have learned at home
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Cherish your children for what they are, not for what you'd like them to be
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Change is a challenge for the courageous, an opportunity for the alert
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Changing what you do will change how you think and feel
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Changing along with life's cycles takes preparation
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Change the current of your thoughts if they distress you
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Changing yourself involves being open to your mistakes
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