Top-rated Wise Words, Wise Sayings
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt (Abraham Lincoln)
Rated: 2.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 3 times | Category: B
Surround yourself with people who are more intelligent than you are
Rated: 2.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 1 times | Category: S
Take the first step of the journey of a thousand miles
Rated: 2.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: T
In order to have a meaningful life, one must experience adversity
Rated: 2.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: I
Difficult and painful times should make you better, not bitter
Rated: 2.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: D
Almost everything looks better after a good night's sleep
Rated: 2 (5 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 5 times | Category: A
He who blows in the fire must expects sparks in his eyes
Rated: 2 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 1 times | Category: H
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there
Rated: 2 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: E
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't
Rated: 1.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 6 times | Category: A
It is more difficult to show moderation when you are in the midst of prosperity than when you are not
Rated: 1.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: I
Build castles in the air, but put foundations under them
Rated: 1.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: B
By pursuing anyone of our dreams, we can find fulfillment
Rated: 1.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: B
Mistakes are either cheap or costly, but there is always a price to pay
Rated: 1.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: M
Balance requires you to manage in the short term as well as the long term
Rated: 1 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: B
Cut out the-details that fritter away what is most valuable in life
Rated: 1 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: C
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
Rated: 1 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 1 times | Favorited: 4 times | Category: A
A wise person knows that she cannot know everything
Rated: 0.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 1 times | Category: A
An intelligent person is one who knows when to keep his mouth shut
Rated: 0.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 3 times | Category: A
A great marriage does not bind the two people but sets them free
Rated: 0.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: A
Yesterday will never come again, but you have today
Rated: 0.5 (1 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: Y