Most Popular Wise Words, Wise Sayings
Without faith nothing is possible; with it, nothing is impossible
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A job is what we do for money; work is what we do for love
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How you say something may be more important than what you say
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What you put into someone's life will someday come back into your own
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There will never be a better time to begin than right now
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A successful relationship needs both people believing in each other
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Happiness can only be felt if you don't set any condition
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To get the full value of joy, you must have somebody to divide it with
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Almost everything looks better after a good night's sleep
Rated: 2 (5 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 5 times | Category: A
A fish would not get caught if it kept its mouth shut
Rated: 5 (4 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 10 times | Category: A
A great idea can give your life direction and purpose
Rated: 5 (3 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 1 times | Category: A
If you think about the past too much, you may not enjoy the present
Rated: 3 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 7 times | Category: I
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't
Rated: 1.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 6 times | Category: A
You cannot build character and courage by taking away another's initiative and independence
Rated: 4 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: Y
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt (Abraham Lincoln)
Rated: 2.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 3 times | Category: B
Your home should not feel like a birdcage and you like a bird
Rated: 4.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: Y
Age changes your opinions on all important aspects of life
Rated: 3 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 3 times | Category: A
The true measure of a person is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good
Rated: 5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 2 times | Category: T
Your mirror will tell you what none of your friends will
Rated: 3.5 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: Y
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there
Rated: 2 (2 votes) | Email or SMS: 0 times | Favorited: 0 times | Category: E