Wise Words, Wise Sayings

Open this site each day and you will discover the secrets of life.

If you remember wise sayings from your parents, aunts and uncles, or grandparents, you know how valuable their wisdom can be to your life. Sometimes you'll feel discouraged or angry about certain incidents in life and you need wise words to help you relax or get a better perspective on adversity, you'll benefit from wise words. Traditionally you would find wise sayings in books or magazines but with the Internet it's even easier to locate wise sayings. One such website is WiseSayings.org, where you can find the right wise words for your specific situation. You can also download this website on your iPhone, iPod Touch, Android phone and iPad.
Another good thing about WiseSayings.org is that it has a search button that allows you to narrow down your search to certain issues you're dealing with. For example, if you type in the word "mind", you'll see a variety of good advice that pertains to the proper use of the mind. One quote you'll find on the website which pertains to the mind is "A library is a repository for the mind." This quote is about the benefits of learning new things for your mind.
If you're a greeting card writer who needs one or two quotes for inspiration to help you create additional quotes when you experience writers' block, you'll find the wise words on WiseSayings.org helpful. Or if you're preparing graduation or wedding invitations, you can use a quote from this website for the invitations. The wise words on this website are meaningful and are also helpful in encouraging you to become a better person.
If you're not near the computer and you want nuggets of wisdom on the go during a hectic day, you can read a few of the quotes on your mobile device while waiting in the doctor's office, on your lunch break, or while you're sitting in the park.
The quotes on this website deal with various life situations. For example, there is a quote on the website that says, "Prosperity is appreciated more in the wake of adversity." This could mean that it's mainly through adversity that you appreciate the people and things around you more. In conclusion, WiseSayings.org is a website that is good for families, and this website can serve as a conversation starter for parents who want to teach life lessons to their children throughout the day.
When speaking sincerely, do not think of the words too long
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We cannot decide what may happen to us, but we can decide what happens in us
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Since you cannot make more time, spend the time that you have more wisely
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Every child born possesses the ability to change the world
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Achieving happiness is the beginning of experiencing happiness
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Other people cannot insult you unless you allow them to
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If your sole goal is to impress people, then you can never achieve true happiness
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Forgiveness is giving love when there is no reason to
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When you plant a flower garden, you show people that you care about more than just yourself
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Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it
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The less you watch television, the less you need it
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Planning your future saves you from regretting your past
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Your children can embarrass you better than anyone
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Society fails when there is a great distance between the very rich and the very poor
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Like a fence, character cannot be strengthened by whitewash
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Go after a great job because you can always get a job you do not like
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He who buys what he does not need steals from himself
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Grasp a little and you may secure it; grasp too much and you will lose everything
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Give to yourself, so that you can really give to others
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Do not insult the mother alligator until you have crossed the river
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